Friday 21 June 2013

Clarence and the Whispermen

She Said, He Said

Pond Life

Death is the Only Answer

Last Night

Good Night

Bad Night

The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later

Space and Time

Good as Gold

Doctor Who The Anime

Two covers with alternative spine images for Paul Johnson's Anime, renamed by myself as 'The Man Who Leapt Through Time' to match the anime theme of naming stories after the main character and the anime film 'The Girl Who Leapt Through Time'.

Power of the Daleks Re-Imagined



Cold War

The Snowmen

The Power of Three

A Town Called Mercy

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

Asylum of the Daleks

Night Terrors

Let's Kill Hitler

The Rebel Flesh

The Doctor's Wife

The Curse of the Black Spot

The Impossible Astronaut

A Christmas Carol

The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith


Voyage of the Damned

Tooth and Claw


Arc of Infinity